I am so excited. So excited, that I am carving out time to write a blog post; something I haven’t done in quite a while. I was texted a blog post: Cult of Pedagogy - 6 Ed Tech Tools to try in 2018 by the middle school principal. Let me just say, I haven’t been this excited about a new tech tool since I was introduced to Flipgrid. Are you curious yet about the tool? How about now? InsertLearning.com I am just going to call it a game changer for literacy! At least in my humble view. “How does it work”, I can hear you thinking. You can take any article from the internet, add questions (multiple choice and discussion), highlight important text, leave notes, and add YouTube videos and images. You can also record yourself reading. Then, you can assign the article through your Google Classroom. Not only is this an excellent resource for teachers to create documents for their students, this is an excellent way for students to read and process text. Students can re...
I attended a workshop hosted by Region 13 with guest speaker Ian Byrd. It was an excellent workshop. Below you will find some of my favorite takeaways.